Sunday, January 11, 2009


I miss my sister.

She's living in Switzerland for two years. She. Is. Hilarious.

She is the type of girl that insane people find and want to be friends with.

She is the one dancing on the tables and swinging from the lights on the ceiling.

She is the one daring people to do the most absurd shit...only to have them succumb completely to her imagination.

She is unique and above all,

she and I share a love for the absurd and the nerd. Along with my other sister Chris, we know what's funny before we ever say "you know what's so funny about that?"

A sense of humour is one of our strongest connections...if something is not completely insane now, it will be later...and we will encourage it until it happens.

These clips I've posted on the right are from a series that I'm smitten with. All three of the main characters (MrG, Jonah and J' amiee) are played by the same guy. And because I lived in Aussie for two years and because Jilly and I spent time there together...I'm dedicating these to her-and to our old highschool drama teacher-Mr. Eugene Tenus.


not-so suburban momma said...

that name alone is worthy of a character. I think you shoulod def look into flights to Geneva...what else is January for??

crazymumma said...

oh hon. I know. You were really down that she was going. Must make you really want to ensure the relationship between your girls huh?