Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Downer Dude

It's nearly a tragedy how unoften I feel (and I bloody hate this word) sexy.
It is also extremely rare to find myself feeling (and I hate this word even more)...horny.
So to feel both on one day and have limited distractions so that I can explore those emotions and feel like what some women out there feel like...is pretty cool.
I was holding it like a little secret and going to try to keep it alive till I got some one on one with my man.
Then I completely ruined it by giving him some responsiblity.
Just an early evening grocery romp-with very detailed instructions on what time to start bed, what the hell the french homework meant so as not to confuse my hard working man's brain over it,cheerily asking if the children could be in bed no later than yada yada b/c big one has been suffering a stomach achey thing and has 90 minutes of gymnastics tomorrow....
Oh what's the use?
On returning home at 8:30 qu'elle que chose?!!
t.v. on
no homework done
no bedtime stuff started
my libido
into thin air.
This is a huge turn off for me. And so now it's gone, that day of whirling sticky sweet emotion...vanished.
I tried to get it back by looking at photos of (shhhhhhh!)someone else on that blasted facebook...but then caught myself and only looked for half the time I was planning on looking, so I guess I'm not that bad a person, right?


not-so suburban momma said...

I think I may have actually written this post...except I can't even get it up for facebook.

crazymumma said...

who were you looking at?

and I get it. you know I do.