Sunday, February 1, 2009

Oh Jeeeez, my kneeeees!

I played my first game (ever) of ultimate frizbee tonightat BMO field. I'm trying to expand my sporting and my skills set. I'm trying to get my fitness back but I have realized, finally , after many many many tooooo many payments to gyms all across the downtown Toronto area, that I am just not a gym girl. So I signed up for a couple team type sports, and it's going, um, pretty well (holy mother of god OOOOOUUUCHHHH!!!)
I may have no legs tomorrow. They may actually decide through the course of tonight to abandon me and go to someone who doesn't use shock treatment.
We'll see.
Anyhow, I'm fully in love, enamoured, tantalized and warm fuzzy blanketed by Laura Viers. Tell me if this video does not remind you of a sweet love you once had. I just love this song and really just love all she does right now.

A5-35 time!!

click here to check it


crazymumma said...

yeah. I think you are mere steps away from wearing a bikini and playing volleyball....

not-so suburban momma said...

you're the ultimate...